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Fe TrickPoker is a combination of two old and widespread card games. The card games are The Last Trick and Poker. NOTE!!! Although one of the games is Poker (, and which is a gambling game), the combination of these two card games IS NOT A GAMBLING GAME.

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Fe at the beginning of the application name refers to artificial intelligence (more correctly, computational intelligence), which means that you are playing against us, the creators of the app. You can choose between 1, 2 or 3 opponents.

Depending on the number of opponents you choose, 2, 3 or 4 players participate in the game. You are playing separately against each opponent. In addition, each opponent is playing against you, they also are playing against each other. So, in the game, players play as individuals against each other. Four players are the absolute maximum, because a standard deck of cards, 52 cards and 4 suits, is used.

The AI controls each opponent separately. Thus, the app\’s card game can be considered as a solitaire.

At The Last Trick card game players goal is to get a trick in the last round of the game. The trick is obtained with a card that is the highest card in value in the round and is of the same suit as the card that started the round (the trick card of the previous round).

The version of the trick card game above is used in this awesome combination of two card games. More different types of trick card games can be found, for example, via this link.

From Poker is mostly used so-called poker hands and the mutual ranking of poker hands. For example, a three wins two pairs, a full hand wins a suit, etc. In addition, there is an opportunity to exchange cards before the start of the first round of the game.

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At The Last Trick card game players goal is to get a trick in the last round of the game. The trick is obtained with a card that is the highest card in value in the round and is of the same suit as the card that started the round (the trick card of the previous round).

The version of the trick card game above is used in this awesome combination of two card games. More different types of trick card games can be found, for example, via this link.

From Poker is mostly used so-called poker hands and the mutual ranking of poker hands. For example, a three wins two pairs, a full hand wins a suit, etc. In addition, there is an opportunity to exchange cards before the start of the first round of the game.

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The best idea of what is presented above can be obtained by installing Fe TrickPoker application via the links found at the bottom of the sheet and trying it out. Fe TrickPoker application is small in its packet size and is completely FREE.

Fe TrickPoker application is entirely financed by the rarely shown advertisements and does not have in-app purchases.

Get it on Google Play


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IN TOTAL: 1 person

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